Employee Spotlight

Date Posted: April 11, 2023

Luke Tuell, Sales Specialist

  • Years with Darling’s: 2 years
  • What made you choose Darling’s: I got laid off when CoVid hit and needed a job- Darling’s gave me a chance
  • What makes you stay: The environment and atmosphere
  • What does it take to be successful in your position: Hard work, patience, emotional maturity
  • What other positions have you held: Service porter at Ford, Recon at HNV and now Sales
  • What do you enjoy when you’re not working: I enjoy working out, playing basketball, and the study of Horology (study and measurement of time/ the art of making clocks and watches)
  • Favorite type of ice cream: Cookies & Cream
  • Favorite place in Maine: Portland
  • First car: 1997 Tundra
  • Best Vacation/Trip: New York